Every month, at our Training centre in London we offer a free British Sign Language class for beginners

The free class lasts for 2 hours and you will learn some basic signs some background on the Deaf community and have the opportunity to ask any questions to our Remarkable Deaf BSL Teachers.



The session also includes information on upcoming BSL Level 1 courses, should you want to start your journey into learning BSL straightaway. You'll also get £50 off, if you sign up on the night!

What are you waiting for? Join us at one of our upcoming Free BSL classes!

The free class was very engaging and the teacher was really friendly. I liked that it helped you understand deaf culture. I signed up for the weekly BSL Level 1 course immediately. Thank you so much!
— Alex O’Farrell BSL Level 1 Student

Contact training@remark.uk.com or call 0207 269 2621 to book your place or register online by selecting the class you wish to go to on this page.


Pick a date for your
Sign Language class: