Access to work - An overview

Access to Work is a benefit funded by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). You can claim Access to Work if you require a BSL Interpreter or Communication Support Worker (CSW) in order for you to do your job effectively.

When you complete the application form, you will have the opportunity to state your preferred method of contact (e.g. email, text, phone etc.). An Access to Work adviser will contact you through the preferred method of contact you put down on your application form.

You can also get information and guidance about Access to Work from the Disability Employment Adviser (DEA) at your local Job Centre.

For more information about Access to Work or to apply visit:

If you are currently looking for work, Access to Work can pay for a BSL Interpreter at your job interviews.

You can also apply for Access to Work if you’re self-employed.

If you need a Communication Support Worker (CSW) or BSL Interpreter in order for you to do your job effectively, you should contact Access to Work and ask for an application form. You will then need to complete the application form and return it to Access to Work.