Covid-19 Statement

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement

Remark! are unfortunately aware of the significant and current global pandemic of COVID-19. With this outbreak we will be immediately exploring our business continuity. Remark! has been closely monitoring the situation over the past couple of weeks and will continue to do so. We will continue to follow the advice from the Government as ultimately, we want to help ensure that we all work together in minimising the risk of any spread of the virus. 

The priority must be the health, welfare and wellbeing of everyone. While we acknowledge that the guidance and advice may not be as specific and unambiguous as we would like, we will continue to work closely with our mentors. 

At Remark! many of our services are imperative to our clients, including our ‘Outreach Service’ for vulnerable Deaf clients and BSL users/services. With this in mind, we will try and remain open and accessible for all our users.