Today is a Remarkable Day!

Today is a Remarkable day - Remark! is 21 years old!

Remark! was set up by Mark Nelson and Ramon Woolfe on the 20th November 1999 , and what a journey it has been!

"Wow, the last 21 years has flown by! There have been many fantastic achievements and Remark! have coordinated many different projects.

Thank you to all the members of staff that have worked so hard, and to all our clients who have worked with us over the last 21 years.

We really appreciate the Deaf community for all their support. We’re looking forward to the next 21 years - or the next 100 years!”

- Jonny Nelson - Managing Director

#DeafCommunity #Deaf #BSL #BritishSignLanguage

Remark!Mark NelsonBirthday, Fun