World Cup 2022 - In collaboration with Signature

Remark! collaborates with Signature to create World Cup BSL Vocabulary


With the FIFA World Cup well underway and getting heated up and we have already seen some countries get knocked out and their World Cup dreams shattered. Now is a great time to learn some BSL vocab relating to football so you can talk to Deaf football fans!

Remark! have collaborated with Signature - The leading awarding body for Deaf communication and qualifications in the UK to bring all the signs you need for this year’s Qatar World Cup!

Working with our dynamic training and access team, we filmed some of Remark!'s biggest football fans alongside our teachers who deliver our Signature accredited courses.

We hope that knowing the Football related and country signs will help to make this World Cup more inclusive.


Come on England! - It's coming home!

For more BSL related to Football and to learn the BSL signs for the countries participating in this year’s World Cup in Qatar, pop over to Signature’s website!

World Cup - Signature

About Signature:

Signature is a national charity and the leading awarding body for deaf communication qualifications in the UK. With almost 40 years’ experience, we’ve supported more than 480,000 people to learn British Sign Language.

All Signature qualifications are nationally recognised and accredited by Ofqual (The office of the Qualifications and Examinations regulator).

In 2019 Signature was announced as the winner of ‘Awarding Organisation of the year’ by the Federation of Awarding bodies.

We deliver Signature accredited courses from BSL Level 1 to Level 6. visit our training page to find out more about our courses.

Remark!Robert Morgan